Status of material flow management:
municipal solid waste (MSW) for Latin America and the Caribbean, year 2021
>Methodological framework
The data presented in the solid waste and circular economy Hub is compiled by consulting official websites through consultations made on the sites of national statistical offices as well as information provided by the authorities of the participating countries, according to data availability.
The information collected undergoes an editing process. The information, aimed at documenting traceability and data integrity; allows the regional database to be made available to the public. This database contains discontinuous information from 1998 to 2021, as well as a harmonized baseline for 2021. The various indicators have been designed according to international standards, such as the core framework of the System of Environmental Accounting (SEAS) of the United Nations (2016), with the objective of measuring the flow of materials between activities, households, the rest of the world and the environment. The periodicity of these indicators is annual and has been established on the basis of the supply=use identity.
The glossary of terms is available for consultation in the technical sheets of the indicators.